Na mo sa dan tuo su qie duo ye e la he di san miao san pu tuo xie.
Na mo sa dan tuo su qie duo ye e la he di san miao san pu tuo xie.
Na mo sa dan tuo su qie duo ye e la he di san miao san pu tuo xie.
Na mo sa dan tuo su qie duo ye e la he di san miao san pu tuo xie.
Na mo sa dan tuo su qie duo ye e la he di san miao san pu tuo xie.
Everyone should cherish himself and refrain from breaking the laws. One should cherish one's family and not allow it to break up. Those who work in government should be loyal to their country and be willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their country. However, this does not mean fighting in the name of the country.
We just try to do so. We should not parrot whatever others say, following the muddy mainstream and mistaking fish eyes for pearls. 在這個謊言多於真理的亂世,我們不應該人云亦云,以假亂真,或聽信更假的謊言。學習真正智慧,辨明是非真假。真正愛國之人,是從自身做起。所謂:真認自己錯,莫論他人非; 他非即我非,同體名大悲。